GOTS Simple Show Clips

GOTS Simple Show Clip
Anhand unterhaltsamer und ansprechender Grafiken wird in diesem kurzen Video die Einzigartigkeit des GOTS erklärt. Auch die korrekte Kennzeichnung auf dem Produkt wird auf leicht verständliche Weise erläutert.
GOTS is explained using very simple and engaging story line graphics making clear that using organic fiber alone is not enough but that the whole supply chain has to be considered. Correct on-product labelling is also explained in an easy understandable way.
Faces From Field to Fashion (in Englisch)
GOTS Connect (in Englisch)
GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen - Christopher Stopes: Greenwash - How to avoid it?
Connect with Christopher Stopes, UK Representative, and find out why to trust sustainability claims substantiated by certification to GOTS.
Christopher talks about false sustainability claims, the key elements of true sustainability, and why to go for GOTS. Stay connected while staying apart!
GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen - Felicia Shi: 通过“与GOTS连接”这一专题,GOTS大中华代表人Felicia,将给您生动展示如何充分利用GOTS网站,及时准确的找到如下信息:如何获得GOTS认证;如何申请GOTS吊牌;公共数据库的使用以及GOTS6.0版本的更新内容。
Connect with GOTS Greater China Representative Felicia Shi, who will navigate you through the GOTS website (in Chinese)."
GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen - Lina Pfeiffer: GOTS Introduction – GOTS and Organics
"Introduction to GOTS and Organics! GOTS sets out requirements for the entire textile supply chain from field to fashion.
Connect with our GOTS Organic Production Specialist Lina Pfeifer and hear about how GOTS relates to the Organic movement, the GOTS requirements when it comes to organic fibre production and what makes GOTS the largest processing standard for organic textiles today."
GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen - Juliane Ziegler: GOTS Material for You
"In this GOTS Connect clip Juliane Ziegler, GOTS Communication Executive presents the available GOTS Marketing Material for You.
With the help of our GOTS Material, you´ll be able to better understand and promote GOTS to support our vision “making organic textile´s become a significant part of everyday life, enhancing people´s lives and the environment.”"
GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen - Franziska Dormann: GOTS Produkte in Discountern
"GOTS Produkte in Discountern? Franziska, GOTS-Repräsentantin in Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz, gibt Antworten zu 'warum zertifizierte Produkte zu so niedrigen Preisen angeboten werden können', und 'ist das auch nachhaltig'?
GOTS products in discounters? GOTS Representative in Germany, Austria and Switzerland Franziska gives answers to 'how certified products can be offered at low prices' and 'is that sustainable'? (in German)."
GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen - Miyoshi Satoko: GOTS地域代表の三好智子が紹介するオーガニックテキスタイル世界基準についての説明をご覧ください。(日本語版)
オーガニックテキスタイル世界基準 GOTSのご紹介 組織概要と基準
Connect with Miyoshi, GOTS Representative in Japan, to watch her introduction of the Global Organic Textile Standard (in Japanese)."
GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen - Lori Wyman: Organic Verification of Textiles with GOTS
"Tired of Greenwashing? Connect with Lori Wyman, GOTS Representative in North America.
Lori explains how you can trust the GOTS logo to verify that your clothing, bedding, and other textiles were not only made from organic fibres that were grown/raised on organic farms, but also how GOTS requires all steps throughout the supply chain to include stringent environmental and social criteria."
GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen - Prachi Gupta: GOTS Monitor Tool
"Connect with Prachi Gupta, Quality Assurance and Impact Expert to find out about the GOTS Monitor Water/Energy Tool.
GOTS environmental criteria require Certified Entities to monitor and have targets to reduce water and energy consumption in their companies. This is where the GOTS Monitor Water/Energy Tool can assist. From Prachi´s screen to yours, she is taking you through the salient features of this tool."
GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen - Otto Kersten: How to label GOTS products correctly
"How to label a GOTS product correctly?
Connect with Otto Kersten, GOTS Protection Officer, and find out about how to label a GOTS product correctly. From who is allowed to label GOTS to how can I make sure to label correctly, Otto answers the most pressing questions."
GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen - Elif Yaraşık: Covid Döneminde GOTS
"See the 2nd clip from our GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen series in Turkish by Elif Yaraşık. Elif our GOTS Representative in Turkey talks about the GOTS measures during COVID from her home in Izmir
GOTS Connect-Ekrandan Ekrana serisinin 2. klibini görebilirsiniz, Elif Yaraşık Türkçe seslendirdi: Türkiye’deki GOTS Temsilcimiz, GOTS’un Covid dönemindeki aktiviteleri hakkında bilgi veriyor."
GOTS Connect - Screen to Screen - Sumit Gupta: GOTS Version 6 – Changes
"This is the 1st clip from our Screen to Screen series, recorded in India, and the 1st of 4 about GOTS version 6.0.
Sumit Gupta, GOTS Deputy Director Standards Development & Quality Assurance takes you through the changes made to GOTS Social Criteria and Ethical Business Behaviour. Sumit also addresses the Quality Assurance System, a common requirement under GOTS. "

GOTS International Film (in Englisch)
Dieser Film beleuchtet insbesondere Inspektionen, Zertifizierungen und Laboranalysen in Textilproduktionsstätten auf der ganzen Welt und geht auf die Vorteile des Global Organic Textile Standards für die Industrie und die Verbraucher:innen ein.
Global Organic Textile Standard – Ecology and Social Responsibility
In particular, the film highlights inspections, certification and lab analysis work in textile production sites all over the world and addresses the standard's benefits for both the industry and consumers.